South Main – Tucker, 2022
Developed for the Tucker-Northlake CID and the City of Tucker Downtown Development Authority (DDA) by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Atlanta Center for Leadership Mini Technical Assistance Panel, the report identifies potential opportunities in the area south of the railroad tracks in Downtown Tucker. The report examines alternatives around pedestrian barriers, retrofitting existing buildings, and recommends additional alleys south of Lawrenceville Hwy.

Downtown Tucker Grid Plan, 2020
Developed by Lord Aeck Sargent and Alta Planning + Design, jointly funded by the Tucker-Northlake CID and the Atlanta Regional Commission through the Livable Centers Initiative, the Downtown Tucker Grid Plan aims to restore and expand the pedestrian and vehicular street grid created in the 1890s.
The plan builds on the work of the Downtown Master Plan and envisions pedestrian-oriented spaces, businesses along the alleys, connections on dead end streets, including a nearly 2-acre town green on Railroad Avenue. The plan was adopted by the City of Tucker in December 2020.

Downtown Tucker Master Plan, 2020
Prepared by TSW this joint project between Tucker-Northlake CID and the City of Tucker builds on the work of the City’s Comprehensive Plan and clarifies the vision for growth in the Downtown Districts. The plan supports the long-standing success of the business community, presents development opportunities, and maintains the benefits a youthful city center anchored by the high school and middle school at each end of downtown. The plan was adopted by the City of Tucker in December 2020.

Downtown Tucker Alley Activation, 2020
Developed for the Tucker-Northlake CID by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Atlanta Center for Leadership Mini Technical Assistance Panel, this document presents recommendations on activating the alleys to initiate a more walkable, accessible, and pedestrian-friendly city center. From green infrastructure considerations to public art and branding possibilities, this project provides a distinct platform for advice and prospects.

Tucker Path: Trail Master Plan and Implementation Strategy, 2019
This plan, developed for the City of Tucker by Kaizen Collaborative and the PATH Foundation, envisions a 32-mile multi-use trail system throughout the City of Tucker, connecting into the larger regional trail network. From Stone Mountain Park to Northlake, and from Henderson Park to East Ponce De Leon, all sections of the trail lead to Downtown Tucker. The plan was adopted by the City of Tucker in April 2019.

Tucker Downtown Historic District Proposed Design Guidelines, 2017
Proposed design guidelines developed by the Georgia State University Heritage Preservation Program to aid property owners in maintaining the historic integrity of Downtown Tucker. The document contains recommendations for site design, architecture, new construction, and signage with examples of appropriate and inappropriate uses relative to downtown. In addition, the document outlines the strong economic and social benefits of local preservation.

Downtown Tucker Parking Revitalization, 2017
Developed for the Tucker-Northlake CID by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Atlanta Center for Leadership Mini Technical Assistance Panel, this study examines parking availability within one block of Main Street. The study offers several recommendations on how to best use the existing 988 parking spaces, both public and private, within one block of Main Street.