What is the official name of the CID?
The official name of the CID is the “Tucker-Northlake Community Improvement District.” When a shortened reference is needed, “Tucker-Northlake CID” is preferred. The abbreviation is “TNCID.”
How was the name created?
The “Tucker CID” formed in 2013 with in the 30084 Tucker ZIP Code. In 2014 commercial property owners belonging to the Northlake Community Alliance joined the CID, and the CID was rebranded the Tucker-Northlake CID. The Tucker-Northlake CID retains the rights to the name “Tucker CID. “
Isn’t there another “Tucker” CID?
Yes. In 2018, in an effort to capitalize on the success of the well established Tucker brand, and being wholly located in the new City of Tucker, the Stone Mountain CID along the Mountain Industrial corridor rebranded as the “Tucker Summit CID.”
Has this created confusion?
Yes. However, we are glad to have the incredible Tucker Summit CID as a partner and happy to point out the strength of having two CIDs working side by side.