Author: admin

Envisioning a Town Green: A Concert Green and Gathering Space

Part nine of a nine part series on the proposed town green on Railroad Avenue. Outdoor gathering spaces are as old as the human experience. In the middle ages village greens were placed in the center of settlements. By the 1700s greens were in North America in places like Dartmouth, New Hampshire and New Haven, […]

Envisioning a Town Green: A More Accessible Playscape

Part eight of a nine part series on the proposed town green on Railroad Avenue. Children are filled with energy and curiosity and playgrounds have long been used to express both. The intent and use of playgrounds has shifted over the years. From sand gardens with athletic instructors to enclosed spaces for small children, as […]

Envisioning a Town Green: The Benefits of Green Infrastructure

Part seven of a nine part series on the proposed town green on Railroad Avenue. It’s not easy being green, but it beats the alternative. Whether you’re a banjo playing frog or looking to meet someone at the rainbow’s end, life is better with clean water. Unfortunately Downtown Tucker doesn’t have a river walk, but […]

Envisioning a Town Green: Connecting Alleys and Trails

Part six of a nine-part series on the proposed town green on Railroad Avenue. Since the 1990s the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) and others across metro Atlanta have been focused on getting people out of their cars and walking. This has often required retrofitting suburbia with new sidewalks, trails, and rethinking outdoor spaces and how […]

Envisioning a Town Green: An Overview of Progress

Part five in a nine part series on the proposed town green on Railroad Avenue. In September of 2021, the City of Tucker approved an agreement to purchase land on Railroad Avenue in Downtown Tucker for a town green. This action was the result of five years of discussions with commercial property owners and planners. […]

Envisioning a Town Green: The need for Restrooms

Part four in a nine-part series on the proposed town green on Railroad Avenue. Early in the process of considering needs for a town green in Downtown Tucker was the need for restrooms. As the downtown core continues to generate more activity, the strain on restrooms maintained by private property owners continues to grow. In […]

Envisioning a Town Green: The need for Parking

Part three in a nine-part series on the proposed town green on Railroad Avenue. Nearly everyone loves what has been called “princess parking.” The ability to park directly in front of your destination. Main Street provides this option, but as more and more people want to enjoy what Downtown Tucker has to offer, you have […]

Envisioning a Town Green: Comparing Sites

Part two of a nine-part series on the proposed town green on Railroad Avenue. When groups come together for visioning sessions it’s easy to think about anything and everything that could go into a space. The challenge is reducing good things to make sure the right things function well. The City of Tucker has over […]

Envisioning a Town Green in Downtown Tucker: An Introduction

Part one of a nine-part series on the proposed town green on Railroad Avenue. Last week the City of Tucker’s Parks and Recreation Department held a public input meeting led by Barge Design Solutions to gather the community’s thoughts on the future town green that will be developed on Railroad Avenue in Downtown Tucker. This […]

Lighting the Way in Downtown Tucker

Where would we be without streetlights? For over 50 years Downtown Tucker has benefited from streetlights designed to support automobile traffic. Sidewalks were in place on Main Street, but they were designed as a place to walk from a parking space into a building, not part of a larger streetscape, and most of the businesses […]